Sustainable Development Goals
Mananna owitchiquitchera – Okothomola ni Wassanrya
Txemyaamyaa evideo djoyevadja djithenkadjie ni JUNTOS womoçambique djinonihera ni djinifunthiha wa mananna owikinkidjera onrowa ovukula ni wakihera omuarela weretha yocoronaviru.
Nupuweleke wira so wakihera punkela wemesserela omuareela. Ninhemihe nenna djo nirowe nakale vamodja vendjene oholo.
This short training animation in Macua, a local language spoken in Mozambique, explains the importance of prevention of the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
This free animation is available in Changana, Macua, and Portuguese.
This training animation was produced as part of the Aga Khan Foundation’s Health and Nutrition programme.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License. To view a copy of this license, go here.
Health and Nutrition