Aprender português em todas as áreas do currículo – Estratégias de cooperação



A brochura «Aprender português em todas as áreas do currículo. Estratégias de cooperação» resulta do trabalho de um grupo de professores de Português Língua Não Materna (PLNM) e de outras disciplinas, que se encontrou regularmente com elementos da equipa de educação da Fundação Aga Khan Portugal desde o final do ano letivo 2018/2019, para refletir acerca de práticas pedagógicas facilitadoras da integração e apropriação do currículo, visando o sucesso escolar dos alunos, particularmente dos de PLNM.

Assista ao video sobre este projecto aqui e faça o pedido gratuito da brochura.

The “Learning Portuguese in all areas of the curriculum. Cooperation strategies” brochure results from the work of a group of teachers working with migrant students for whom Portuguese is not the mother tongue or primary language.

In the Portuguese curriculum, Portuguese as a second language (PLNM) is indeed a subject. However, it is still not fully integrated by teachers of other subjects who can also facilitate Portuguese language learning.

The Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) in Portugal has been facilitating a community of practice that brings together teachers of Portuguese as a second language, mathematics, science, and other subjects.

The community of practice has been meeting regularly since the end of the 2018/2019 school year to reflect on pedagogical practices that facilitate the integration and appropriation of the curriculum.

The aim is to improve practice to enable the integration and learning outcomes of foreign and migrant students.

Watch the video about this project here and request a free brochure.










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  • SDG 4 Quality Education
  • SDG 10 Reduced Inequalities
  • SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities

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