Care for Childhood Development Policy Briefs – Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda


The policy briefs were developed as part of Scaling Up Playful Parenting project funded by Unicef and the LEGO foundation and implemented by AKF and AKU IHD in EA. Part of the deliverables of this grant was to document, disseminate and develop policy briefs highlighting how Care for Child Development (CCD), a package developed by World Health Organisation and UNICEF, has been adapted in different countries and contexts. The attached policy briefs highlight CCD adaptations made by the Madrasa Early Childhood Programmes in Kenya, Uganda and  Tanzania during implementation of the interventions between 2013-2018. The briefs are intended to inform policy makers and practitioners and to emphasise on the need for local adaptations and considerations for the success of the interventions. The policy briefs therefore highlight the specific adaptations made in each of the three countries, results and lesson learnt.  The briefs also provide a list of key policy recommendations for consideration to enable successful implementation and uptake of CCD and other playful parenting programmes.


Early Childhood Development








Sustainable Development Goals

  • SDG 3 Good Health and Well-Being
  • SDG 4 Quality Education
  • SDG 10 Reduced Inequalities
  • SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities

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