Beyond Financial Services: A Synthesis of Studies on the Integration of Savings Groups and Other Developmental Activities


This document summarises the findings of a Learning Initiative carried out by the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) with support from The MasterCard Foundation, to study the integration of Savings Groups and other developmental activities. The other activities include: training provided to group members (separate from training for financial activities); products or services offered; cash or in-kind; linkages between the Savings Groups and service providers including financial institutions; creation of federations or networks of Savings Groups; or any other product or activity in addition to the core financial activities of the Savings Groups (internal saving, borrowing, and insurance).

In most of the cases studied, other activities were added to the Savings Groups after they began financial activities, but in other cases the order is reversed, and training in the core financial activities is offered to a group that is already engaged in other activities. The Learning Initiative examined how Savings Groups are leveraged for other development activities, how linkages to other services take place, and the associated costs, benefits and risks to group members.

This paper summarises the findings and conclusions of the Learning Initiative regarding the sustainability of Savings Groups and of other activities, as well as the residual value or benefits of the other activities that may persist after the intervention ends.

The paper explores the internal and contextual factors that influence sustainability, replicability and outcomes. It concludes with some preliminary thoughts about good practice and some areas where further research would be useful. It is hoped that the findings of the Learning Initiative will assist facilitating and funding agencies in considering how Savings Groups can be effectively leveraged to contribute to the achievement of their developmental goals.


Civil Society Strengthening

Work and Enterprise








Sustainable Development Goals

  • SDG 4 Quality Education
  • SDG 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • SDG 10 Reduced Inequalities
  • SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities

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