Sustainable Development Goals
Early Childhood Development: A Critical Investment
This free video course was designed for policymakers and decision-makers working in fields related to early childhood development such as in health and nutrition, education, child protection, agriculture and food security, WASH, or emergency preparedness.
By the time they complete the course, learners will understand the scientific and economic evidence behind the importance of investing in early childhood development.
This video course was produced as part of the Aga Khan Foundation’s Early Childhood Development programme.
The course draws on content from the Nurturing Care Framework, the Science of Early Child Development, and the Beginning of Life film.
This 90-minute course is also available in Khmer, Lao, and Mongolian.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License. To view a copy of this license, go here.
Sustainable Development Goals
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Course Content