Sustainable Development Goals

AKF 360 | Manamafy ny fahaiza-mihoitra amin’ny alalan’ny fomba fambolena mamelon-tany sy miaro ny tontolo iainana: Voly Vary Zanatany
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Mijoroa ho vavolombelon’ny fiovana noho ny fanaovana ny Voly Vary Zanatany eto Madagasikara !
Amin’ito video 360 ito, manaova jery todika amin’ ny tohana omen’ny Fondation Aga Khan sy ny OSDRM tamin’ny fanatsarana fahafaha-mihoitra manoloana ny fiovaaovan’ny toetr’andro sy ny fahavitan-tena ara-tsakafo amin’ny alalan’ny fanaovana Voly Vary Zanatany. – fomba vaovao amin’ny fambolem-bary izay mampihatra ny fepetra momba ny fambolena mamelon-tany sy miaro ny tontolo iainana.
Ity video ity dia misy amin’ny teny Anglisy, Frantsay ary Malagasy
Ity video ity dia novolavolain’ny AKF sy OSDRM
Ity video ity dia novokarina tao ao anatin’ny fandaharan’asan’ny AKF momba ny fahafaha-mioitra manoloana ny fiovaovan’ny toetr’andro sy ny fambolena mamelon-tany sady miaro ny tontolo iainana.
Ny Voly Vary Zanatany dia noforonin’ny AKF niaraka tamin’ireo mpamboly tao anatin’ny tetik’asa SPEEDRICE (Fampivelarana sy fanapariahana ny fambolena “permaculture” atao latsa-boa.) izay novatsian’ny Innocent Foundation vola.
Izao asa izao dia arovan’ny fahazoan-dalana “The Creative commons Attribution – NonCommercial-NoDerivatives Licence. Azonao jerena amin’ity rohy ity ny dika mitovy momba io fahazoan-dalana io “lien”
Click on the blue box above to watch the video on YouTube. Don’t yet have the YouTube app? Download it from the App Store.
Witness the transformative impact of the Zanatany System in Madagascar! In this 360 video, see for yourself how farming communities with Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) and the Organisation de Soutien pour le Développement Rural à Madagascar (OSDRM) support, have increased their climate resilience and food security by adopting the Zanatany System – a revolutionary way of growing rice that applies regenerative farming principles.
This video is available in English, French, and Malagasy.
This video was developed by AKF and ODRSM.
The video was produced as part of AKF’s climate resilience and regenerative agriculture programmes. The Zanatany System was co-developed by AKF with farmers under the Scaling-up, Promoting and Expanding Effortless Direct-seeding Rice permaculture (SPEEDRICE) Project funded by the Innocent Foundation.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License. You can view a copy of this license here.
Climate Resilience
Sustainable Development Goals

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