A Competency Framework for Health Workers, Supervisors, and Trainers


Early Childhood Development




Sustainable Development Goals

  • SDG 3 Good Health and Well-Being

Video Description

This short video describes an approach to integrating responsive caregiving in health systems.

The video accompanies the Competency Framework for Health Workers, Supervisors, and Trainers which outlines the competencies required of health workers to support caregivers of children aged 0 to 3 in promoting children’s overall development.

The Competency Framework focuses on three components of nurturing care: responsive caregiving, opportunities for early learning, safety and security, and caregiver’s well-being. It also outlines the roles and responsibilities of mentors, supervisors and trainers.

The Competency Framework was developed jointly by the technical teams of several agencies of the Aga Khan Development Network in partnership with the Government of Canada.

To access the document version click here.

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