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COVID-19 Gender Work and Enterprise
How-to Video
Sustainable Development Goals

Mitigating the Social and Economic Impact of the COVID-19 on Women

The presenters in this webinar discuss the social and economic impact of COVID-19 on women. Gulnora Mukhamadieva discusses why COVID-19 is resulting in a greater burden on women and provides recommendations to help mitigate some of the burden. Nilufur Shukrikhudoeva and Mike Bowles discuss how Accelerate Prosperity in Tajikistan is mitigating the social and economic impacts of COVID-19 on women. Mike Bowles also highlights how Accelerate Prosperity is shifting to online platforms in the Kyrgyz Republic and Pakistan, including the use of blended learning content, and how Aswan Connect is shifting to online outreach in Egypt. Abdul Malik discusses AKF’s social protection and food security response to COVID-19, bringing in an example from India.

Work and Enterprise
How-to Video
Sustainable Development Goals

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