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Civil Society Strengthening
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Sustainable Development Goals

The SDG second half: Ideas for doing things differently

World leaders just met at the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals midpoint summit in 2023. Halfway between the SDG’s 2015 launch and the 2030 deadline, the mood was somber. Stark global tensions alongside inadequate SDG progress made for a tough outlook for the next seven years. In the words of Secretary-General António Guterres, “halfway to 2030 #GlobalGoals deadline, the world is woefully off-track. Now is not the time for incrementalism.”
The world has not been doing enough to be on course for SDG success. What can we learn from what has gone well? Where could a burst of effort tackle gaps? Perhaps, most importantly, what needs to be done differently?
Aga Khan Foundation Canada (AKFC) and the Brookings Center for Sustainable Development hosted an event discussing the Brookings compendium of essays: The SDG Second Half: Ideas for doing things differently. The essays offer insights and actionable recommendations to address pressing issues in the second half of the SDG era.
Civil Society Strengthening
How-to Video
Sustainable Development Goals

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