Sustainable Development Goals
Mbolea ya asili
Video hii ya mafunzo, ipo kwa Kiingereza imeandaliwa kwa ajili ya wakulima wa Afrika Mashariki wenye uhitaji wa kutengeneza mbolea za asili kwa kutumia malighafi zinazopatikana shambani mwao.
Kwa kukamilisha kungalia video hii, anayejifunza ataweza kufanya yafuatayo:
–Kuelezea faida za kutengeneza mbolea asili – biofoliar badala ya kununua mbolea zenye kemikali
–Kuelezea viambata vinavyohitajika kuzalisha mbolea asili – biofoliar, na
–Kuelezea mchakato wa kutengeneza mbolea asili – biofoliar na kuitumia kwenye mazao
Video hii inapatikana pia kwa Kiingereza na Kiswahili
Video hii fupi ya mafunzo imeandaliwa na Aga Khan Foundation kwa usaidizi wa Frigoken.
Video hii imezalishwa ikiwa sehemu ya programu ya Aga Khan Foundation kuhimili mabadiliko ya tabia ya nchi, kilimo na ya usalama wa chakula
Kazi hii imepata leseni chini ya Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License. Kuangalia nakala ya leseni, bonyeza hapa.
This free training video in Swahili was developed for farmers in East Africa who want to make their natural fertiliser using inputs available on their farm.
By the time they complete the video, learners will be able to:
– Describe the advantages of making biofoliar instead of purchasing chemical fertilisers,
– Describe the ingredients needed to produce biofoliar, and
– Describe the process of making biofoliar and applying it to crops.
This video is also available in English.
This short training video was developed by the Aga Khan Foundation with the support of Frigoken. The video was produced as part of the Aga Khan Foundation’s climate resilience and agriculture and food security programmes.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License. To view a copy of this license, go here.
Climate Resilience