Sustainable Development Goals
Bana Grass
Siku hizi kuna wakulima wengi Afrika Mashariki hupambana kukuza lishe ya kutosha kulisha wanyama wao. Hii ni kwa sababu wako na ardhi ndogo, isio kua na rutba ya kutosha, isio mwagiwa maji ya kutosha ama kwa sababu ya hali ya anga isio tabirika. Lakini kuna mti murwa unaoitwa ‘banana grass’ ambao si vamizi na kimaumbile uko imara, huchangia nishati zake zote katika kutowa majani tele. Ni mti ambao huweza kuishi kwa muda mrefu na kukua kwa haraka wenye kuhitaji huduma za chini. Haya yote yanafanya mti huu kuwa bora kuupanda shambani na kulisha wanyama.
Hii video fupi inaeleza faida na tabia/maumbile ya ‘banana grass’ na kumueleza mkulima namna ya kuupanda, kuutunza, na kuvuna ili kulisha wanyama.
Uundaji wa video hii ulisaidiwa na AMFRI Farms Ltd na Food & Beverage Madagascar.
This free training video in Swahili was developed for farmers in East Africa who are looking for better ways to grow fodder to feed their animals by cultivating bana grass.
By the time they complete this practical training video, farmers will be able to:
- Describe the unique properties of bana grass,
- Describe the advantages of bana grass as fodder for livestock,
- Explain the step-by-step process of planting, caring for, and harvesting bana grass, and
- Describe the optimal way of feeding bana grass to animals as fodder.
This video is also available in English and Portuguese.
This short training video was developed by the Aga Khan Foundation with the support of AMFRI Farms Ltd. and Food & Beverage Madagascar. The video was produced as part of the Aga Khan Foundation’s agriculture and food security programme.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License. To view a copy of this license, go here.
Climate Resilience