Les innovations soutenues par l’OSDRM : vers une meilleure qualité de vie des paysans malgaches


The Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) has been active in Madagascar since 2005, starting in the Sofia Region.  In 2012, AKF established an organisation supporting rural development in Madagascar (OSDRM), a local Malagasy organisation. This document provides an overview of the work of the OSDRM in Madagascar.

1 – Community Based Savings Groups (CBSGs) are the basis of OSDRM interventions. CBSGs constitute a learning ground for the creation of financial capital. Savings made are  invested in agriculture, health, etc. The success of CBSGs has been seen in improved financial management.

2 – A multitude of solutions for food insecurity: supporting farmers in food reforestation, agricultural techniques promoting association and crop rotation, improving the quality of nutrition.

3 – Develop IGAs and promote market access for farmers, identify and scale-up promising cash crops (cash crops, mainly cocoa), develop partnerships with key players in the private sector through contract farming.

4 – Climate change resilience : support farmers with the promotion of agro-ecological techniques, self-production of inputs, the use of biomass energy, the integration of livestock into agricultural systems.

La Fondation Aga Khan (AKF) est active à Madagascar depuis 2005, au départ dans la Région de Sofia. En 2012, la Fondation met en place l’Organisation de Soutien pour le Développement Rural à Madagascar (OSDRM), une association de droit malgache pour assurer la gestion de ses projets et programmes. Ce document présente le programme de l’OSDRM :

1 – Les Groupes d’Epargne Communautaire (GEC) sont la base des interventions de l’OSDRM. Les GEC constituent un terrain d’apprentissage pour la constitution de capital financier, les économies réalisées sont utilisées pour les investissements en agriculture, la santé, etc. Le succès des GEC est constaté en termes d’amélioration de la gestion financière.

2 – Une multitude de solutions face à l’insécurité alimentaire: soutenir les agriculteurs au reboisement alimentaire, aux techniques agricoles favorisant l’association et la rotation culturale, à l’ amélioration de la qualité de la nutrition.

3 – Développer les AGR et promouvoir l’accès au marché des paysans, identifier et intensifier les cultures commerciales prometteuses (cultures de rente, cacao, plante médicinale artémisia…), développer des partenariats avec des acteurs clés du secteur privé via l’agriculture contractuelle.

4 – Résilience au changement climatique: accompagner les agriculteurs sur la promotion des techniques agro-écologiques, l’auto-production d’intrants, l’utilisation d’énergie de biomasse, et l’intégration de l’élevage dans les systèmes agricoles.

The Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) has been active in Madagascar since 2005, starting in the Sofia Region.  In 2012, AKF established an organisation supporting rural development in Madagascar (OSDRM), a local Malagasy organisation. This document provides an overview of the work of the OSDRM in Madagascar.

1 – Community Based Savings Groups (CBSGs) are the basis of OSDRM interventions. CBSGs constitute a learning ground for the creation of financial capital. Savings made are  invested in agriculture, health, etc. The success of CBSGs has been seen in improved financial management.

2 – A multitude of solutions for food insecurity: supporting farmers in food reforestation, agricultural techniques promoting association and crop rotation, improving the quality of nutrition.

3 – Develop IGAs and promote market access for farmers, identify and scale-up promising cash crops (cash crops, mainly cocoa), develop partnerships with key players in the private sector through contract farming.

4 – Climate change resilience : support farmers with the promotion of agro-ecological techniques, self-production of inputs, the use of biomass energy, the integration of livestock into agricultural systems.


Agriculture and Food Security

Civil Society Strengthening

Climate Resilience

Health and Nutrition

Work and Enterprise








Sustainable Development Goals

  • SDG 2 Zero Hunger
  • SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production
  • SDG 13 Climate Action
  • SDG 14 Life Below Water
  • SDG 15 Life on Land
  • SDG 17 Partnerships for the Goals

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