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Sustainable Development Goals

ICT for Quality Learning Toolkit, Volume 2

The ‘ICT for Quality Learning Toolkit’ offers educational policy makers and local practitioners with actionable steps about how best to design, test, and implement new contextually relevant EdTech solutions that focus on improving quality learning outcomes for children and young people.  

Commissioned by UNICEF, Volumes I and II were developed by AKF through a Human-Centred Design process with local school leaders, teachers, and education partners throughout sub-Saharan Africa. The new global ‘ICT for Quality Learning Toolkit’ operationalises 10 principles about how best to improve learning outcomes through EdTech, as outlined in the UNICEF/AKF global report, Raising Learning Outcomes – the opportunities and challenges of ICT for learning (UNICEF, 2018).  

The resource is critical for any policy maker, practitioner, or researcher interested in ensuring contextual realities are not only considered, but effectively integrated into the design, testing, and implementation of how EdTech solutions can best address gaps in learning outcomes for children and young people.


ICT for learning process & tools Volume II - Sub-national & National Governments

ICT for learning process & tools Volume II - Sub-national & National Governments

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