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Global Induction and Orientation
Human Resources
Sustainable Development Goals

An Introduction to Safeguarding at the Aga Khan Foundation – India

An Introduction to Safeguarding at the Aga Khan Foundation is a short video-based course for staff induction. It provides an overview of the Aga Khan Foundation’s approach to safeguarding.

New joiners are expected to complete this short course and read the accompanying Safeguarding Manual during their first week at the Foundation. Indeed, this video-based course covers a portion of the Safeguarding Manual content but is not a replacement for staff reviewing the Manual including the Aga Khan Foundation’s Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct.

By the time they have completed this video-based course, staff members will be able to describe what safeguarding is and they will be able to make links between safeguarding and the Aga Khan Foundation’s values and culture. They will also be able to define key safeguarding terms including abuse, exploitation, neglect and retaliation, and to identify the root causes for safeguarding cases including power imbalances, privilege, exclusion and lack of diversity. Finally, they will be able to identify safeguarding issues and describe staff safeguarding responsibilities and mechanisms for responding to safeguarding issues.

The version of the course presented here is customised for staff joining the Foundation in India. A Global version of the course for all staff is forthcoming and will be published at the end of 2020.

Global Induction and Orientation
Human Resources
Sustainable Development Goals

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