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Agriculture and Food Security Climate Resilience
360º Video
Sustainable Development Goals

AKF 360 | A walk through a village near Ambilobe, Madagascar 

Click on the blue box above to watch the video on YouTube. Don’t yet have the YouTube app? Download it from the App Store.
Embark on a virtual journey by taking an immersive 360° walk through Ambilobe village, in Madagascar. The Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) is supporting farming communities, such as this one in Ambilobe to build climate resilience and become more food secure.
This video was developed by AKF as part of its climate resilience, agriculture and food security programmes.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License. You can view a copy of this license here.
Agriculture and Food Security
Climate Resilience
360º Video
Sustainable Development Goals

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